You would think this blogging thing would get easier for me, I just can't keep up with it. I rarely even take pictures anymore. New Goal take more pictures of my kids, they are growing to fast.
Tyson turned 4 at the end of July, I seriously can not believe he is four. He is my jokester, he enjoys life to its fullest, most of the time. He has an incredible imagination, and loves to play with his brother. Sometimes I feel sorta guilty because I don't play with him very often, but he and Dylan they can play and make up stuff all day. It really is so nice that they love each other so much and can keep each other entertained, especially with a new baby. I was really worried how he was going to do when Dylan started school. It has been quite and adjustment for him, but it is also easier for me to play with him when Tessa is sleeping. We play whatever he wants. It has been good for us to bond more.
A couple of pictures of Tessa, this one is around 3 months. This one shows how long she it.
This is at 3 months, she is my little sweet pea.
We had some wonderful rain storms this summer, that left these awesome puddles. The boys play in the same puddles every year, they watch at the windows for the puddles to get bigger and then as soon as the rain stops they b-line it for the water.
I love these of Tyson on his bike, he kinda looks like the wicked witch of the west.
And then of course there are the mud fights, which usually end up with rocks in the eyes and crying.
We also went camping with friends out to JD Dam, it was so much fun, even if I didn't get any sleep. The kids had such a great time, I don't think I have ever seen a cuter dirty group of kids.
This is Tysons new thing, he won't smile for pictures anymore, all he gives is a crazy face.
The proof is on the hands, oh they were so dirty. When we got home around 5, Marty cleaned out the van and I turned on the slip and slide, they washed all the dirt off before they got in the shower. I thought it was a brilliant idea.