Sunday, May 31, 2009

Camping, camping, camping!

This was Tyson's first year for Fathers and Sons campouts and he loved it. He still asks almost everytime we go somewhere to go camping. He got to go two weeks in a row. I enjoyed two relaxing weekend of yard sales, I found some really fun stuff.
This was the first week of camping with the ward at Gooseberry Springs. I always feel left out from these things because I never get the whole story. This is after he got his face washed, I wonder what he looked like before the face wash.
This was the second weekend after camping at Willow Springs with my Dad and my brothers and their boys and my brother-in-law . This was one happy boy. I really think he would live in the forest if we let him.
This year was a record breaking year for fish, between all of them, they caught 16 fish. I love fresh trout, we enjoyed a nice fish dinner thanks to the guys.

Marty was teasing my nephews by making the fish talk crazy. Dylan had a blast camping also. He didn't seem to make it into any of the pictures, he was always busy doing something else.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Growing up so fast.

I have noticed the last couple of days how big Dylan and Tyson are getting, especially Tyson. He used to pass under the edge of the counter without hitting his head, now he hits his head and he can't figure out why.
These guys are becoming very good buddies, they keep each other company. They both are in love with Thomas the Train. They enjoy watching, and talking about Thomas. They both have almost all of the other train names memorized. I didn't think they would ever like the same things at the same time. They are so cute.
This could be why Tyson is getting so big, he eats all the time. This would be sour cream.
It is amazing that there is even any food left for dinner after these two help make it. They are good helpers in the kitchen.
Today we planted flowers to give the boys something to do this afternoon. My pots aren't very fancy but they had fun.
Tyson's turn planting his flowers.
Not sure what the dog is doing, the dirt must smell good.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day
to all of you
Super Duper Moms
out there.
Love you Moms.