Last Friday we went to Tempe to spend a few days with Marty's family. We had a busy weekend planned, but we had alot of fun.
We dropped the boys off Friday morning with Grandma. Marty and I got to have a whole day date. We had a great day together, he is really fun to hang out with. To top off our date, he took me to Rubios for dinner. I love Rubios.
Saturday morning we went to Freeman Park for family pictures. It is a really popular place for pictures, I think there were 10 other families there taking pictures also.
There were some duck ponds, the boys loved watching to ducks and throwing dirt in the water.
I thought this was a cute one that I took of the boys.
Phantom was awesome, so glad I was able to go. The music, costumes, performance was just amazing. I loved it.
After Phantom Marty and I went to a friends wedding reception in Pheonix.