Wednesday, November 26, 2008

All of that time at the gym paid off.

Who taught Tyson to talk? Pay close attention, he is saying cheese to the camera.


LAURA said...

cute! I can't believe Tyson's talking, wow.

holley family said...

so fun! ugh, how we miss flagstaff. brad and i were wondering (with a little wagering...) we were trying to remember how big your garage is... one of us is right, i'm SURE of it! lol.

anna said...

What an amazing show of athelticism! :) I heard the little athlete got a bit of an injury this weekend. OUCH! Hope all is on course to heal quickly...and hope you're ready to manage a one-armed 3 year old for a while. I'm not sure if that would end up being easier or more difficult than managing a 2 armed 3 year old.... you'll have to let me know. :)
Hang in there! and Get well soon Dylan!!!!